MRK Marketing
Mark contacted Used Phone Warehouse looking to replace an old phone system which was in the unit he had moved into. The system was a very old system and not NBN ready. Mark contacted us and we were able to have one of our technicians provide Mark with some advice over the phone. Mark did not want to invest in a new system and actually had LG phones from his old premise. We proposed an LG NBN ready IP based phone system for Mark which had the latest features that he needed but nothing over the top. It suited his needs. After pricing up Mark the system from our website, and the price for our technician we attended site and installed the system. While there, we also relocated Marks's phone lines and IT equipment and setup at his new premise. He also requested for some new data points which we also installed on the same day. By the end of the days we had data points in place, IT equipment relocated and working, and his telephone system configured to suit his business. Once the NBN becomes available, Mark has the option to call us so we can install the NBN for him as well as phone lines as we are also a Telco.
Marks comments on the completed job:-
"Great job done - seamless".
Mark - Managing Director